Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Jasmine Romano 11 GAS- PERSEVERANCE

 Me and the People Around Me 

All About Me

I'm Jasmine Romano born in March 03, 2007 at the age 16 years old, I'm from Catbalogan, Samar.

    I started studying in Catbalogan, Samar from Grade 3 to Grade 10, but only until the first quarter, so I stayed in Samar almost 10years. But when my family decided to come have to continued my studying here, this is where I graduated from St. Francis National High School (SFNHS), in Grade 10 until I graduated in Grade 11 in the years 2023 so this is where I on currently studying.

My Family

    In this is my Family, a Family that love's you a Family that will support you ever in poverty, family that ever if life is difficult it is still able to fight.

    First of all, I have a Father, I have a Mother, and most of all, I have sibblings, two girls at two boys so we are sibblings, my papa's is not professional his only job is Construction Worker, then my mama is not a professional like my papa, but she is the one who work for us, then my four sibblings are the one who cold each other like my mama and papa.

Old Friend's

These are the people, I have been with for more than 9 year's and 9 months, our Friendship just stopped because I changed school's and here in Bataan at St. Francis National High School (SFNHS) our Friendship was formal when we were in Elementary School until the next year with his bonding, having fun, being silly everything and most of all kind and patient, even if we fight or bump into each other, we always greet each other and get along as time goes on, we become stronger and closer to each other.

Too Old Friend's

    When I was there when I was a kid when I just moved school, they are the one's I meet and also the one's who became new friend's, they are also kind to me, they are also a bit silly when they as together and bonding as long as they are Happy together.

New Friend's 

Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful
And so colorful...

Life is full of fun and surprises
There's a pair and sacrifices...

Life is difficult,
Yet you have to strive hard for it.
Just be strong and responsible
And let your goal achieve.

Be thankful to God, who gives us life
Have faith and trust in him.

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